Registration of interest

To be an emergency fill in and/or play competition for WBTC.

Home » Play » Competition » Register interest to play

This form is to register your interest to be an emergency fill in and/or play competition for West Brunswick Tennis Club (WBTC). This is not a registration to JOIN a team or competition. Please note that WBTC is currently has a high number of registered players for most of our adult teams. Team numbers are also near capacity.
Please confirm the name of the person who wishes to play
dd/mm/yyyy. This may help us place you in a suitable team.
This will mostly help place you as an emergency player
Please include as much detail as possible as this will help us place you.
Please select the competitions you're interested filling in for. Review our "Competition" page to learn more about each competition.
We appreciate your desire to join and play for WBTC and realise that being an emergency is not ideal for some people.
For emergency play, please confirm your preferred method WBTC should use to contact you. We will try and give you as much notice as possible.
You're registering your interest only to fill in and/or play in the competitions you have selected. Due to limited teams and positions, placing you in a team is not guaranteed. This is not a registration to play nor join WBTC. Your details will be accessed by WBTC competition organisers and committee members only until you notify WBTC otherwise.