NSJTA Juniors
NSJTA links
These links are to NSJTA pages and open in new windows.
Requirements for play
It is a requirement of the NSJTA that all new and existing junior players have:
- a Tennis Australia ID number AND
- a Competitive Player Profile (CPP)
For a ID number follow these steps:
- Go to matchcentre.tennis.com.au
- Create an account with Tennis by selecting ‘REGISTER’ at the login screen
- Select ‘REGISTER HERE’ at the bottom of the following screen (For players under 15 years of age, a family email address may be used as required)
- Complete the form and select ‘NEXT’, followed by ‘CREATE ACCOUNT‘
- Once the account has been created, a verification email will be sent to the email address you supplied.
For creating a Competitive Player Profile (CPP) with Tennis Victoria follow these steps:
- Ensure you have registered for a Tennis Australia ID number (see above)
- Log into this account and Activate your UTR, by pressing on the tab highlighted
- After this you may be able to link your profile to recorded completed match results but be certain the results match the player's history
Junior competition application
If you're wishing a junior player to play competition tennis and you:
- Don't have a team for them to join AND
- Have read, understood and will adhere to our general membership obligations AND
- Have read, understood and will adhere to our Junior competition terms & conditions AND
- Have a Player ID# ready THEN
please fill out this form.
Be sure to have their Tennis Australia ID number ready. See our How to join step 3.
Junior competition terms & conditions
Registration process
All WBTC club members who apply to play junior tennis will be put in a team once they are ready for competition. There is no additional charge for playing competition.
We compete under the umbrella of the Northern Suburbs Junior Tennis Association (www.nsjta.asn.au).
There are no age entry requirements but players can play up to and including the season they reach age 18.
Teams participate in home and away matches over a 14 week season (although players are not rostered on every week).
The seasons commence at the end of the first week of school terms 1 and 3. Tennis competition does not run during school holidays. Play starts at 9:30am (D Grade), 8:30am (C Grade), 7:45 am (A/B Grade) or 7pm Friday (A Grade) and continues until all sets have been completed. This usually takes 1 – 2 hours
Team Composition/Grading
The junior committee puts together like-skilled players to form a team and recommends an appropriate grading - teams are either mixed, boys or unisex.
In forming teams the committee has access to:
- the advice of the tennis coaches
- previous seasons statistics of the player/any play the committee has observed
- the advice and feedback of previous team managers.
For each team the committee takes into consideration how to:
- Support each player to develop their tennis skills and to enjoy the game
- Match players in friendship groups/competitiveness/expressed needs
- Ensure the team has enough players to field a team but that every player gets a good go
4. Keep together teams which are working well - Ensure a team has adequate parent support including a team manager
The NSJTA has the final say in registering teams
They advise the Club of team grades near the start of the season. You will be contacted (probably by your team manager) in the weeks before competition begins for the new season.
Partial registration
Where a child wishes to participate in tennis but has a conflict for some part of the season, the committee is willing to support their interest in tennis by assigning them to a team for the period of their availability in C and D Grades. That player would be an ‘additional’ player to ensure that the team could function during the period that they were unavailable. Players likely to play B Grade or above may not be accommodated, although we will endeavor to meet individual requirements where possible. As a partial commitment to a team can make it difficult for other team members we ask that players who register on this basis be very clear about their date availability.
Family Support
Families of all players will be required to assist with team supervision and hosting finals. One parent volunteer per team will act as Team Manager and arrange the player roster will be levied if the player. N.B. All parents must be willing to umpire (with support!) in D grade.
If you have any questions re junior competition please contact the Junior Committee via our contact form